Use Of Cookies On NIVEA.IN

The purpose of this cookie policy is to inform you on the use of cookies or similar storage technologies (hereinafter referred to as “cookies”) on our website

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small units of data that are stored by your browser on your terminal to save certain information. When you next access our website with the same terminal, the information stored in the cookies will subsequently be returned either to our website (“First Party Cookie”) or to another website to which the cookie belongs (“Third Party Cookie”).

Through the information saved and returned, the respective website recognises that you have already accessed and visited it with the browser you use on that terminal. We use this information to be able to design and display the website in an optimum way in line with your preferences. In that respect, only the cookie itself is identified on your terminal. Beyond this extent, your personal data will only be saved upon receipt of your express consent or if it is absolutely necessary to be able to use the serviced offered to and accessed by you accordingly.

2. Consent to the use of cookies

Cookies that are not absolutely necessary to provide you with the services on our website (you can find more information on absolutely necessary cookies under No. 3.a.) will only be used after obtaining your consent. Once you actively use our website, you are consenting to the use of cookies if you continue to surf on our website after the cookie banner has been displayed.You can adjust your cookie settings individually at any time, by either deactivating or activating individual cookie categories. You can find more information on how you can deactivate cookies in general in your browser (i.e. including the absolutely necessary cookies) under No. 4

3. Types of cookies

Depending on the purpose and function, we subdivide cookies into the following categories: 

(i) absolutely necessary cookies;
(ii) functional cookies; and
(iii) performance cookies.


A. Absolutely necessary cookies;


Absolutely necessary cookies guarantee functions without which you cannot use our web pages as intended. These cookies are exclusively used by us and are therefore “first party cookies”. That means that all the information stored in the cookies is played back to our website.

Absolutely necessary cookies serve for example to ensure that you are always logged in as a registered user when accessing various subpages of our website and thus do not need to enter your registration data every time you access a new page.

The use of absolutely necessary cookies on our website is possible without your consent. For this reason, absolutely necessary cookies can also not be activated or deactivated individually. This function is only available to you in the case of cookies requiring your consent, i.e. functional and performance cookies. You do, however, have the option to deactivate cookies in general in your browser at any time (see No. 4).

The following absolutely necessary cookies may be used on our website:

 Name  Description/purpose  Lifespan
 ASP.NET_Sessionid  These cookies are automatically generated by our web server, and establish a unique session ID. These cookies ensure that the data specified by users of the website is not lost while the user is accessing or using the website. These cookies expire once the visitor leaves the website.  Session
 PcLogin yyy  This cookie exchanges information between the various internal systems that are required to operate the website.
 cookie-opolicy-session  This cookie determines whether the cookie banner should be shown to the user.  Session
 Cxp auth xxxx Explicit  This cookie checks whether the user has logged in with a password (login) during the session.  Session
 Cxp_auth_xxx  This cookie checks whether the user has logged in with a password (login) during the session.  Session (or four weeks)
 dwsecuretoken_xxxx  This cookie authenticates the user in the shop.  24 hours
 dwsid  This cookie authenticates the user in the shop.  Session
 Dw_returnURL  This cookie ensures that after logging in, the user is sent back to precisely the page from which he or she logged in.  Session
 Isuserauthenticated  This cookie checks whether the user has authenticated himself or herself in the shop.  Session

B. Functional cookies

Functional cookies enable our website to save details already given (such as the registered name or choice of language) and based on that offer you improved and personal functions. These cookies only collect and save anonymised information, so that they cannot track your movements on other websites.

The following functional cookies are used on our website:

 Name  Description/purpose Lifespan
 DWFirstName  This cookie saves the user’s first name so that he/she can be greeted and addressed on the site in a personal way. 24 hours
 DWGender  This cookie saves the user’s sex, if this information was given in the form of address, in order to load correspondingly adapted content. 24 hours
 DemandwareContactLevel  This cookie identifies the status of the user (contact level: new on the website, returning visitor, registered etc.) in order to determine which content and subpages are shown. 365 days
 DemandwarePointBalance  This cookie saves bonus points obtained (“reward points”) in order to determine which content is shown. 24 hours
 DemandwareSegment  Based on user segments, this cookie presents the user with adjusted and personalised content. 24 hours
 DemandwareTargetGroup  Based on target groups, this cookie presents the user with adjusted and personalised content. 24 hours
 DemandwareTriggerBrand  Based on brands viewed, this cookie presents the user with adjusted and personalised content. 24 hours
 DemandwareTriggerPrice  This cookie allocates a trigger category price (“price”) to the user in order to determine which content is shown. 24 hours
 DemandwareTriggerQuality  This cookie allocates a category quality (“quality”) to the user in order to determine which content is shown. 24 hours
 DemandwareTriggerService  This cookie allocates a trigger category service (“service”) to the user in order to determine which content is shown. 24 hours
 DWAge  This cookie saves the age specified by the user in order to determine which content is shown. 24 hours
 RecentlyViewedCookie  This cookie saves products already viewed by the user in order to display them to him or her again at various points (“already viewed by you”).  31 days
 CookieCategory  This cookie saves the category last viewed by the user on each page in order to display recommendations of products and content to the user.  1 year
 CookieSubCategory  This cookie saves the sub-category last viewed by the user on each page in order to display recommendations of products and content to the user.  1 year
  uslk_s  This cookie is generated automatically and specifies a unique session ID. It ensures that the data provided by the users of the live chat is not lost while surfing the web page. After a visit these cookies lose their validity.  Session
  uslk_e  This cookie stores a unique identifier for each live chat on so that the user can be re-recognized when the live chat is re-used and, if possible, can be connected to the same operator with whom he had previously made the conversation.  1 year
  _bb_verify  This cookie checks whether the browser settings allow participation in A / B tests with Bunchbox.  10 sec
  _bb_queue  This cookie serves as a temporary cache until the server call can be sent to Bunchbox.  1 Min
  _bb_output  This cookie contains the information that the user does not want to participate in A / B tests with Bunchbox 10 Years
   recentTipOfTheDay  This cookie offers the user a daily changing product recommendation based on his preferences  14 Days
 _cq_bc  This cookie saves the click behaviour of the user to present personalised product recommendations on the website.  31 days
  _cq_seg  This cookie saves the click behaviour of the user to present personalised product recommendations on the website.  31 days
  _cq_uuid  This cookie saves the click behaviou of the user to present personalised product recommendations on the website.   1 year

C. Performance cookies

Performance cookies collect information on how our web pages are used in order to improve their attractiveness, content and functionality. Such cookies help us for example to determine whether any sub-pages of our website are visited, and which ones, and what type of content is of particular interest to users. In particular, we especially record the number of times a page is accessed, the number of subpages that are accessed, the time spent on our website, the sequence of the pages visited, what keywords brought you to us, the country, the region and where applicable the town or city from which the pages were accessed, as well as the proportion of mobile terminals that access our web pages. We also record movements, “clicks” and scrolling with the computer mouse, in order to understand which areas of our website are of particular interest to users. As a result, we can adjust the content of our website to the requirements of our users in a targeted manner and optimise what we have on offer. The IP address of your computer, transmitted on technical grounds, is automatically anonymised and does not enable us to draw any conclusions about the individual user.

We reserve the right to also use information that we have obtained using cookies from an anonymised analysis of the usage behaviour of visitors to our web pages to show you specific advertising for certain of our products on our own websites. We believe that you as the user will benefit from this, because we show advertising or content which, based on your user behaviour, we have reason to assume matches your interests, and you are therefore shown less randomly scattered advertising or certain content that could interest you less.

We as a company have voluntarily subjected ourselves to self-regulation of the German Data Privacy Council for Online Advertising (DDOW). You can find the self-regulatory code applicable to us and further information at this link:

The following performance cookies are used on our website:





This cookie recognises whether a visitor has previously visited the website. This allows us to find out what the proportion of new users on our website is.

10 Years


This cookie records which sub-ages the visitor to the website has visited in one session. This information is used to improve the website.



This cookie gathers information on how users use this website, for analytical purposes.

2 Years


This cookie limits collection of data if too many user requests are received on one page. Some user requests are blocked off and the results projected.

10 Min


This cookie supports tracking during a session (used as a “helper”).



This cookie supports tracking of the user over a longer period of time (used as a “helper”).

2 Years


This cookie limits collection of data if too many user requests are received on one page. This ensures that the speed of the website is maintained, even under a heavy load.

10 Min


This cookie serves the purpose of uploading scripts and codes to the website.

10 Min


This cookie saves the variant of a website which was displayed to a user within the scope of an A/B test, in order to ensure that the user is offered a consistent advertising experience.

10 Years


This cookie identifies an individual user via a time stamp and a randomly generated number.

10 Years


This cookie saves the audience and dimensions of the user (e.g. browser, campaign, device etc.).

10 Years


This cookie serves as a temporary cache until the server request to Optimizely can be sent.

15 Sec


This cookie stores the original URL from which the user came, in order to prevent redirect loops.

5 Sec


This cookie is used for analytical purposes.



This cookie saves the clicking behaviour of the user on the website, in order to optimise the website – e.g. to recognise areas that are especially important to the user and are accordingly clicked on a lot.

 2 years


This cookie contains a clear tracking ID in order to identify a customer who is not logged in and who logs in again. It is used in order to display personal settings in the shop to the customer.

6 Mon

 SmartUID This cookie assigns an anonymous, unique ID to a site user to identify it through the different sessions. 10 Years
 smartSignalsUid_* This cookie assigns an anonymous, unique ID to a site user to identify it through the different sessions. This information can also be used to assign a user to a group about its behaviour on the website. 10 Years
 _bb This cookie identifies a single user via a time stamp and a randomly generated number.  2 Years
 _bb_t This cookie saves the variation of the website displayed to a user in an A / B test to ensure that the user is offered a consistent experience on the site.  2 Years
 _bb_helper This cookie contains additional information about the variant in an A / B test.  2 Years
 OGM - EDT Conversionpixel The pixel is called on the thank you page to track purchases resulting from an ad placement. The views of the pixel / html snippets are only used to optimise the current campaign and the reporting. The cookie makes it possible to understand when a purchase results from an ad, so the media inventory can be optimised accordingly.  6 Mon
  udc This cookie contains the list of marketers where the user is profitable and supports the marking and demarcation functionality. A marketer usually has one or more websites on which advertisements are played. The profitability of the user is definable and in this case may be e.g. A purchase or downloading a voucher. Demarking a user means that a user, e.g. Has downloaded a voucher or has purchased a product, demarcated and excluded from the campaign.
 6 Mon
 Conversion Pixel (twiago) The pixel is set to track clicks of the user on a twiago advertising medium.
30 Days
 Pookie (plista) This cookie collects anonymous data about the surfing behaviour of the user, in order to subsequently play out targeted advertising by setting the appropriate retargeting pixel. 365 Days
 affili_0 (Affilinet) This cookie contains the time information of the last click on a commercial and a session ID. 180  Days
 ASP.NET_Sessionid (Affilinet) This cookie is automatically generated by the Affilinet Web server and specifies a unique session ID. This cookie ensures that the information provided by visitors to the website is not lost while surfing the website. After a visit, this cookie loses its validity.  Session
 affili_XXXX (Affilinet) This cookie is used to identify the publisher and the clicked ad that the transaction has mediated. XXXX is replaced by Affilinet Program ID (XXXX = Program ID). 180 Days
 affili_XXXX_pv (Affilinet) This cookie is used to identify the publisher and the advertised advertising that has mediated the transaction. XXXX is replaced by Affilinet Program ID (XXXX = Program ID). This cookie measures the eReach (View-Tracking). 180 Days

4. Managing and deleting all cookies

You can furthermore set your web browser in such a way that cookies are generally prevented from being saved to your device and/or that you are asked each time whether you are in agreement with cookies being enabled. You can also at any time delete cookies that have been enabled again. You can find out how all this works in detail from your browser’s help function. You will find an explanation in words and pictures for the web browsers Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome at this link:

Please note that generally deactivating cookies may lead to functional restrictions of our web site.

Status: October 2015.